I've never had a blog, hmm. Anyway, I'm going to use this to vent and post pictures of myself instead of doing this on 4chan or Discord. It's unarguably a better alternative. I was supposed to be admitted to the hospital today but we had to reschedule my evaluation because my mom had to pick up medication instead of waiting two hours. It'll be nice to have this once I come back. I saw a cute boy in the lobby. ;_; My new appointment is tomorrow, fingers crossed for inpatient treatment... I may be getting braces soon. I look forward to it. I've already had to use a mouth guard to keep my freaking teeth in my skull because I grind them at night. The stress of being insulted a ton probably doesn't help my habit. ...But you guys can't talk back here, hehehe. Wait, can you comment on blogs? Haha. <3
Come back...